Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using this Website, you accept the terms and conditions set down hereunder without limitation or qualification.

The following website (www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com) is the property of BROMLEY ESTATES, S.L. In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Society of Information, the identifying details of the owner of the page are:


Company listed in the Business Register of Malaga, Volume 4701, Book 3609,

Sheet 175, Page MA-103313.

Conditions of Use

These are the general terms (referred to hereinafter as the “General Terms”) governing access to, browsing in and using the websites under the domain www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com(hereinafter “Website”), and the responsibilities stemming from the use of their content (the term “content” being taken hereinafter to mean the texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and items of information, together with any other creation protected by national legislation and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property).

In this context, the term ‘User’ shall be taken to mean any individual or legal entity accessing, browsing, using or participating in the services and activities made available in the Website www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com, whether they be free of charge or charged for.

It shall be assumed that by accessing, browsing and/or merely using this Website, the user expressly accepts the entire set of these
General Terms as published at the time of access to the Website www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com. Consequently, Users should read carefully
beforehand the General Terms published at the time of access to the Website www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com, those Terms being viewable and printable.

Similarly, Third-Party Concerns other than the company identified at the beginning of these General Terms, may be authorised to advertise. In such
cases, those Third Parties will be clearly identified, and the relations will be deemed to exist directly between the User and the Third Party concerned and in accordance with any terms established by that Third Party for usage, for services or for signing up with that Party. In connection with this, it is pointed out that these General Terms established in the Website shall not apply to those relations between the User and the Third Party, and so www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com shall not bear any responsibility stemming from those relations.

The terms and conditions contained in these General Terms of Use are liable to be changed, in whole or in part, at any time, and without prior notice; any change being published in the same way used to publish these General Terms. It is therefore recommended to the User to periodically read this General Terms.

Accordingly, the term during which these General Terms will remain in force is the period during which they are displayed, i.e. lasting until they are changed in whole or in part, at which time the updated General Terms will come into force.

Regardless of the provisions of the General Terms, this Website reserves the right to close, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without any requirement to give advance notice, access to the content and/or services of the Website, the User not being entitled to demand any compensation whatsoever. Thereafter, the prohibitions on the use of the content that had previously been displayed in these General Terms shall remain in force.

The persons or companies who provide any type of information or contents to BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. promise it not contravene or infringe on any rights of a third party or be in breach of the law and public order (such as intimidated, defamatory, obscene or pornography contents or any other which shall be consider a criminal offence).

The content included in this Website is made available solely for personal use. Any unauthorised commercial use or resale thereof is forbidden, unless written authorisation has been given beforehand. Users are responsible for accessing, browsing and using this Website, and so Users undertake to abide diligently and faithfully by any additional instructions given concerning the use of this Website and its content issued by the Website’s authorised staff.

  • Users thus undertake to use the Website, services and content in a diligent, proper and licit way, and in particular they undertake to refrain the following:
  • using the Website, services and contents with intentions or effects that are against the law, moral standards, generally accepted standards of conduct, or public order;
  • reproducing or copying, distributing, or allowing public access to, through any form of public communication, and transforming or modifying the content, unless authorisation for this has been given by the holder of the rights concerned, or unless such actions are legally allowed;
  • using the content, and in particular information of any kind obtained through the Website or the services, to dispatch advertising, communications for direct-sale purposes or any other commercial purposes, or unsolicited messages addressed to a number of people whatever the purpose; and marketing or disseminating such information in any way.


The information about prices, areas, specifications, and plans of the developments of BROMLEY ESTATES S.L., available on this Website, are
approximate and for information purposes only, and do not constitute a binding offer on the part of BROMLEY ESTATES S.L.

BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. reserves the right to change the content and information available on the Website, at any time and without prior notice.

All graphic documentation included in this Website is purely orientational in nature and is subject to change, particularly the various developments or properties which may undergo changes required by technical progress in the projects and the execution of the projects. BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. is in no way liable for the effectiveness or accuracy of the information given, remaining exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual liability towards the User who makes use of the site.

In conforming with the Royal Decree 515/1989, of 21st April, about the protection of consumers regarding the information provided in the buying-
selling and leasing of properties, and the Decree 218/2005, of 11th October, named “Información al consumidor en la compraventa y arrendamiento de viviendas en Andalucía”, the aforementioned information – including the “Documento Informativo Abreviado de la Vivienda” made compulsory in Andalucía by the Decree 218 mentioned – will be made available to the Users in the offices set up for that purpose by BROMLEY ESTATES S.L, the contracts being arranged in accordance with the rules and guarantees set down in Act 57/1968 of 27 July.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The content, documentation, images, graphics, makes, logos and design that constitute this Website are the property of BROMLEY ESTATES S.L.

This Website and what its content are duly protected in conformance with Spanish and International regulations on Intellectual and Industrial Property. It shall not be assumed under any circumstances that Users’ accessing and browsing the Website implies any waiver, assignment, licensing or granting, whether in whole or in part, of those rights by their holders.

Consequently, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, publish again or subsequently, download files, send
by e-mail, transmit, use, process or distribute in any way all or part of the content included in the www.bromleyestatesmarbella.comWebsite for public or commercial purposes, unless prior written authorisation has been given by the holder of the rights concerned.

The persons or companies who provide any type of information or content to BROMLEY ESTATES S.L., promise it to be the truth and not contravene or infringe on any rights of a third party or be in breach of the law and public order.

The usage of trademarks, logos and service marks, hold by BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. or by a Third Party, in this Website implies that you are prohibited from using them without prior consent of BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. or the holders of such rights.

Any person infringing on the Intellectual and Industrial rights, or any other legal right hold by BROMLEY ESTATES S.L., will be responsible for and will be obliged to compensate BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. for any damages that could be caused.

If you believe that any of the contents and/or information on the Website to be contravening a legal right or law in force, please do not hesitate to contact us on:

El Rosario, CN340, Km 188, Marbella 29603


Users will find links to other websites in this Website, and those other websites may be run by third parties. Consequently, no responsibility of any kind can be accepted for any aspect relating to a website to which there is a link in this Website. BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. advises that the insertion of links of any kind to third-party websites does not imply the existence of any kind of relation, collaboration, dependency or recommendation between the www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com Website and those in charge of the third-party websites.

In order to have links with the page www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com it is necessary to have written permission from the owners of the site.

Data Protection

In compliance with the Data Protection General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, on the 27th April 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5th on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform you that the provided personal data will be processed by BROMLEY ESTATES SL with VAT number B93030716, addressed in MARBELLA (MALAGA), C.P. 29603, CALLE CARRETERA NACIONAL 340 Km 188 URBANIZACION EL ROSARIO S/N, to provide the requested service, and make the billing of it.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of the contracted service. The future offer of products and services will be based on the requested consent, and in the case of the withdrawal of this consent, this would never condition the execution of the contract.

The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years
necessary to comply with the legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are treating your personal data under BROMLEY ESTATES SL and therefore you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, treatment limitation, portability, opposition to treatment and suppression of your data by writing to the address postal mentioned above or electronic account silvia@bromleyestatesmarbella.com attached mail copy of the ID in both cases, as well as the right to file a claim with the Control Authority (aepd.es) “.

We also request authorization to offer you products and services related to those requested, executed and/or marketed by our company enabling us to keep you as a client.

Privacy Policy

Anonymous Browsing

Only the following information is obtained and kept in connection with the surfing of Users in this Website:

  • The domain name of the provider (ISP) and/or the IP address giving them access to the Internet. For example, a user of the services of service
  • provider XXX will only be identified with the domain xxx.es and/or the IP address. This enables us to produce statistics on the countries and services that most frequently visit this Website.
  • The date and time of access to this Website. This information allows us to determine the times of heaviest traffic and make precise technical
  • adjustments to avoid saturation problems at peak times.
  • The Internet address from which the link was used to direct you to this Website. Thanks to this information we can assess the effectiveness of
  • different banners and links that point to our server, with the purpose of promoting those that offer the best results.
  • The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know which areas are more successful and increase and improve their contents,
  • meaning the Users get more satisfactory results.
  • The information obtained is totally anonymous, and cannot under any circumstances be associated with a particular identified user.

Privacy Policy


Our Website or any part of it may make use of cookies – i.e. small data files generated in the User’s computer that enable us to obtain the following

  • The data and time of the user’s most recent visit to this Website.
  • The content design that the user chose on his or her first visit to this Website.
  • Security elements involved in controlling access to the restricted areas.
  • Users can prevent cookies from being generated by selecting the relevant option in their browser programs. However, the company will decline responsibility if deactivating cookies results in this Website not working properly.

Responsibilities and Guarantees

Bromley Estates S.L won´t accept any responsibility, whether direct or subsidiary, stemming from the following:

any damage caused to Users’ equipment through using the portal, or the quality of service, speed of access, proper operation, availability and continuity in operation of the Website; or as a result of any virus, worms, or other harmful element in the Website or in the server supplying it, or stemming from a breach of the security measures adopted; or as a result of third party or Users in breach of the Law or the public order, beyond BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. control.

While BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. makes all reasonable efforts to insure that all information on this Website is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information contained in this Website. This Website and all information materials contained herein is provided to you on an “as is” basis without warranty or any kind either express or implied. BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the usage of these contents by a third party.

Users are responsible for accessing, browsing and using this Website and the information within. The connections and links to third party pages or websites have been established purely as benefit for the User. BROMLEY ESTATES S.L. is not, under any circumstances, responsible for them or their content.

The contents of any chat or any kind of transmissions connected to this Website and will adopt all possible measures to impede any kind of conduct that is contrary to the Spanish Laws and will co-operate fully with the Authorities in the identification of those responsible for any actions which could be classed as violations of the laws or General Terms applicable to the present Website.

The loss or damage caused, whether to himself/herself or to a third party, by any person infringing the General Terms, rules and
instructions given in this Website, or breaching the security systems of www.bromleyestatesmarbella.com.

Information inserted by Users or by Third Parties, or infringements of the law, moral standards, generally accepted standards of conduct or public order as a result of transmitting, disseminating, storing, making available, receiving, obtaining or accessing the content.

All liability shall be declined for loss or damage of all kinds caused by the advertising, content or services provided by Third Parties through this Website, examples including in particular, but not limited to:

infringement of the law, moral standards or public order;

the appearance of viruses or other computer code, files or programs that may damage, interrupt or prevent the proper functioning of any
software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;

breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, corporate secrets, or contractual undertakings of any kind;

the performance of actions which amount to illicit, misleading or unfair advertising, or advertising which amounts to unfair competition;

lack of truthfulness, accuracy, quality, pertinence and/or currency in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, received, obtained, or
made available or accessible;

breaches of rights to honour, to personal and family privacy and to personal image, or in general any third-party rights;

their unsuitability for particular purposes of any kind, their falling short of expectations raised, or any flaws and defects that may arise in third-
party relations;

non-fulfilment or delay in fulfilment of, defective fulfilment of, or the termination on any grounds of, undertakings made by third parties and
contracts made with third parties.

The User is responsible for and will be obliged to compensate BROMLEY ESTATES S.L., for any damages that could be caused from the use and /or consultation of this Website, infringing on the General Terms or the current regulations in force.


The headings of the various clauses are provided for information purposes only, and shall not affect, influence or extend the interpretation of the General Terms.

In the event of any provision(s) of these General Terms being deemed null and void or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or government body with competence in this area, such nullity or non-applicability shall not affect the remaining provisions of the General Terms or the Special Terms for the various services.

Non-exercise or non-execution of any right or provision contained in these General Terms shall not be construed as a waiver of the rights or provisions concerned, unless an express acknowledgement or agreement of waiver is made.


These General Terms are drawn up in Spanish, and are subject to current Spanish legislation. In the event of disputes arising in connection with the use of the services offered through, or the content of, the Website, the parties, who accept these Terms, shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Marbella (Spain).


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